Ten good resolutions in the office

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Whether it's to find inspiration, gain productivity, or stimulate creativity, we organized our work area as well as possible this year. At home or in an open space, these ten good resolutions that are easy to implement should make you want to go to work. Shall we try?

1. I check the papers

If your desk is so covered in paper that you can barely see what material it's made of, it's time to tidy it up! On Friday night, when the most important files of the week have been processed, we take a few hours to classify, order, file, and above all, throw away all those papers that are no longer useful for anything. Once the office has been cleared of clutter, we highlight the current files and are happy to see more clearly. But be careful not to overdo it, because as Einstein said, "If the sight of a cluttered desk evokes a cluttered mind, what about an empty desk?"

2. I find (finally) my optimal organization

Once the sorting is done, and most of the files are put away, we look at what's left and organize our office so that we only have what we need on hand every day. There are also the most suitable storage accessories for your activity to quickly find what you need without losing elegance. Mailboxes, folders, pencil holders, boxes, or baskets are essential to store efficiently. If you need to get well mastermind and beautified rooms get luxury apartments in Lahore. 

3. I clean my office more often

Even if you work at a company that cleans while you're away, only you can truly clean your workspace, where posts and files classified as "sensitive" accumulate. And if you're self-employed, then you know this big resolution is likely to speak to you! So once a week, we dust off, we pass the sponge, and we have to circulate the good energies. It must shine! And once a month, we also think about cleaning your computer keyboard with a can of compressed air, a cloth dampened with white vinegar, and cotton swabs.

4. I grow some green plants

Did you know that plants have the power to make us love our work? Yes, it is even scientifically proven: absenteeism rates drop dramatically when offices are green! Better yet, green plants help us feel good, find inspiration, and even be more productive. So this year, it's time to take a look at this little pot of ivy. With its pretty green leaves, it will be our trainer of the year.

5. I add some objects to feel good

Alongside this little ivy pot, some personal decorative items are the perfect accessories to make your workspace a little feel-good place. So at home or in a shared space, we fall in love with a nice pencil holder, a funny corkboard, pretty notebooks, an inspiring postcard, or even some poetic stickers. 

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6. I think about the planet (also in the office)

This year, we promise to motivate each other to generate less waste and limit our carbon footprint. For example, you can print a beautiful poster with the essential advice: print less to limit paper consumption, regularly delete old emails stored on servers that consume too much energy, turn off computers at night and on weekends. (when you can), create sorting bins, convince the purchasing department to invest in "green" products, encourage carpooling to work And when you work at home, also think about reducing the heating in your home . or two degrees. Well done!

7. I watch my back at the office.

This year, it is decided, we will no longer spend our lives with osteoarthritis! That is why they offer us a comfortable office chair, which allows us to keep our back straight and slightly leaning back. Still, above all, we usually alternate positions, we get up regularly to take a few steps, and we do not hesitate to do a little stretching session when you feel tired.

8. I take care of my eyes in the office

If you experience eyestrain or headaches at the end of the day, make an excellent resolution to take care of your eyes at the office! We start by fighting blue light with a suitable screen or glasses; then we get into the good habit of not staring at the screen for several hours at a time. Ideally, don't put your screen in front of a wall so you can regularly look into the distance. And during breaks, we try to put down our smartphones; our eyes also need to rest.

9. Lunch at the office with class.

At lunchtime, we accomplish the feat of eating healthier, spending less, and creating less waste by whipping up some pretty tasty Bentos, investing in a good lunchbox, or embarking on jarred salads!

10. I install a fruit basket to share with colleagues

And lastly, at coffee or snack time, we avoid falling for sweets thanks to a beautiful basket of seasonal fruits that make us want to bite into a good apple or stock up on vitamins with some clementines. At home, we choose a beautiful decorative basket to give style to the office, and in open spaces, we ask everyone to bring the fruit in turn, or we have it delivered by a specialized service. This is an energetic year ahead!


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