How to transform a too "baby" room into a teenager's room


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Apartments in Lahore

Tips and tricks to make you the teenager's room of your dreams!

Going from childhood to adolescence is a stage that is accompanied by many changes. And in particular in terms of decoration, especially about the bedroom. And because it's completely normal that you now want to create a decor that looks 100% like you, here are ten tips that will allow you to transform your child's room into a teenager's room. Always chose union complex for buying luxury lifestyle apartments in Lahore.

Transforming a child's room into a teenager's room: sorting

The first thing to do to transform a too "baby" room into a teenager's room is to start by sorting out the room! Books, toys, stuffed animals, clothes, and decorative objects. Classify this into three categories: things to throw away (because they are too damaged or in poor condition), things to sell or give away (it will make you a little pocket money!), and the things you want to keep in your new grown-up room!

Choosing the (right) colour for a teenager's room

Transforming a child's room into a teenager's room also involves changing the colour code in the room. So if you can no longer see in paint (it's the case to say it) the candy pink or the taupe too wise on the walls of your room, it's time to change it for the colour of your choice!

If you like flashy and super-bright colours (sunny yellow, cherry red, electric blue, apple green, etc.), no worries, but remember that in the long run, they can tire your retina: why not put them on only one wall of your room (in decoration, we call it "an accent wall"), and complete with accessories of the same colour to make a reminder?

If you like cosy and soothing atmospheres, you can bet on fashionable colours such as powder pink, almond green, and pastel blue.

The bed, a crucial piece of furniture in a teenager's room

If the bed is an essential critical piece in a bedroom or teenager's room, it is downright THE centrepiece. Yes: if you were a child you only slept there, now you will probably also receive your girlfriends there and spend a lot of quiet time there. It is, therefore, necessary to do everything so that it also becomes a sofa!

For that, there is a straightforward trick: put it in the corner of the room, and add lots of cushions against the wall and in the corner. There you go, you just made yourself a super comfy sofa! Put a small bedside table next to it: when the time comes, it can serve as a coffee table neither seen nor known.

As for duvet covers and company, to avoid the too "baby" side, we forget the Disney bed sets and instead put on plain models (in the colour of your choice, of course) or with patterns of liberty or others.

Transform a baby's room into a teenager's room: delimit the spaces.

Because the bedroom is a room where you will spend a lot of time during adolescence, it is essential to organize it so that you feel good there. It is, therefore, necessary to delimit the different spaces: the sleeping area, the work area, without forgetting, of course, the relaxation area ;)

To clearly distinguish each zone, you can:


Play on the colour of the walls; why not with a monochrome (the fact of declining the same colour on different shades)?

Play with accessories 

For example, a rug or a staircase shelf between the relaxation area and the office area.

Teen bedroom: don't neglect the office!

If in children's rooms, the desk is a piece of furniture that is often there to look nice, it takes on whole new importance in a teenager's room. Yes: the further you go in college, the more subjects there are, and the homework too ( sorry for this unpleasant little reminder!). You, therefore, need a sufficiently spacious and well-organized office so that you can work optimally.


The little trick not to ruin you and create a killer office? Collect a large plank of wood in the family workshop (or buy one already ready for use in the trade) and fix it on two trestles for a raw side or on boxes with drawers to put your filing cabinets there and your notebooks.

Makeover a child's room into a teenager's room: long live the dressing room!

Now that you're a teenager, do you plan to spend most of your pocket money on clothes like a real fashion victim? Ok, but in this case, you need something to store all that! The right solution to have your dressing room just for you without losing too much space in your room?

If you need to get well mastermind and beautified rooms get luxury apartments in Lahore. 

In the teenager's room, a storage place.

Transforming a baby's room into a teenager's room also means adopting more adult behaviour, especially about storage! So to prevent your teenage room from looking like a post-apocalyptic film set, you have to think about investing in storage:


  • For classic storage, wall shelves (to be fixed to the wall) or "staircase" shelves with compartments are super-efficient.
  • For intelligent storage that allows you to store everything just anyhow, put more on storage boxes to slide under the bed (with wheels, it's even more practical) or a storage unit with lockers closed.
  • Metal trunks and XXL Thai baskets will be perfect for trendy and super modern storage.



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